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Olsztyn and Lutsk were brought together by history – which mercilessly rules the human faith. After The Second World War, a large group of Poles who had been evicted from Volyn appeared in the city on the Łyna. On the other side, Warmia and Masuria became a home for thousands of Ukrainians, who were brought there as the result of the Operation Vistula.

After some time, the Olsztyn clubs of the Association of Volyn and Polesia Supporters and the Association of Ukrainians in Poland established contact with their partners in Lutsk – the current capital city of the Volyn Oblast in Ukraine. The partnership agreement, which was signed in 1997, was the natural consequence of this friendly relationship.

Nowadays, Lutsk has a population of about 215,000 and, just like Olsztyn, has a rich history. The first record of the city comes from 1085 and legends about its founding date back to the VIIth century. For over 200 years (1569-1795), Lutsk had been a part of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. Afterwards, it shared the difficult fate of the rest of Western Ukraine.

As a part of their partnership cooperation, the citizens of Olsztyn and Lutsk conduct a series of actions concerning business, social, cultural and sport's activity. The representatives of Lutsk learn from the experience of Olsztyn about how municipal companies, health care, or social assistance function. The Olsztyn City Hall has undertaken the task of organizing holiday camps and winter holidays for the young people from Ukraine and it regularly supports the children from one of the orphanages in Lutsk. Education and cultural exchanges have also become a tradition. Young people have the chance to see what the education of their foreign peers looks like. Bilateral visits result in unique artistic programs, sightseeing the city of the host, and learning about its monuments and history.

As a tribute to the partnership, Lutsk organizes "Days of Olsztyn", while the capital of Warmia and Masuria – "Days of Lutsk". In order to celebrate the cooperation, one of the Olsztyn streets is named in honour of Taras Shevchenko – the Ukrainian national poet.

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